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What is Stratmacs?

Stratmacs is a bespoke Emacs configuration created for StratOS. It is a general-purpose, unopinionated configuration that serves as a starter kit for Emacs. It includes several (minor and major) Emacs tweaks that seasoned users use in their configs.


  • SPC (the space key on your keyboard) is set as the default leader key. Press it to view a list of bindings.
  • Each character that appears on the submenu(s) is either another key in the key combination or the final key required to execute a certain Elisp function call
    • You may view what a keybind does by pressing space-h-k (denoted by SPC h k).

Evil mode

Stratmacs, like most Emacs “distributions”, bundles Evil-mode - an Emacs metapackage that brings Vim motions to the dark side.

Basic Navigation and Editing

Normal Mode (default in Evil)

Similar to Vim’s Normal mode, used for navigation and issuing commands.

  • h, j, k, l: Move cursor left, down, up, and right.

  • w, b, e: Move by word.

  • C-a/0, C-e/$: Move to the beginning and end of a line.

  • gg, G: Go to the beginning and end of the buffer.

  • :q, :w: Quit and write, just like in Vim.

Insert Mode: Insert text
  • i: Enter insert mode at the cursor position.

  • I: Insert at the beginning of the line.

  • a: Insert after the cursor.

  • A: Insert at the end of the line.

  • Esc: Return to Normal mode.

Visual Mode: Select text for operations.
  • v: Enter visual mode.

  • V: Select the entire line.

  • Ctrl+v: Enter visual block mode (column selection).

  • u: Undo.
  • C-r: Redo.
Cut, Copy, Paste
  • dd: Cut a line.

  • yy: Copy a line.

  • p: Paste after the cursor.

  • P: Paste before the cursor.

  1. Text Objects

    Operate on text objects like words, sentences, paragraphs. ciw Change inside word. di”: Delete inside quotes. da(: Delete around parentheses. vi{: Select inside curly braces.

  2. Buffers and Windows

    :bnext or :bn: Go to the next buffer. :bprev or :bp: Go to the previous buffer. :bd: Close a buffer.

  3. Window Splitting

    :vsp: Vertical split. :sp: Horizontal split. Ctrl+w h/j/k/l: Move between windows. Ctrl+w q: Close the current window.

Command Mode (:)

Enter command mode with : (like in Vim) to run commands such as: :w Save the file. :q: Quit Emacs. :wq: Save and quit. :x: Save and close if changes were made.

Emacs-Specific Evil Extensions

Ex Commands: Use : commands for Emacs-specific functionality like buffer operations or mode switching. Org-mode: Evil integrates well with org-mode, so you can use Vim-like navigation while organizing tasks and notes. M-x: Although Evil mimics Vim’s modal behavior, you can still run Emacs commands with M-x. For example, M-x find-file opens a file, or M-x shell launches a shell.

Registers and Marks

  • Registers allow you to store text or commands.

"ay: Yank to register a. "ap: Paste from register a. :reg: View all registers.

  • Marks let you set and jump to positions within a buffer.

ma: Set mark a. ’a: Jump to mark a.

Searching and Replacing

  1. Search

    /pattern: Search forward. ?pattern: Search backward. n: Jump to the next match. N: Jump to the previous match.

  2. Search and Replace

    :%s/old/new/g: Replace old with new throughout the entire buffer. :s /old/new/g: Replace in the current line.


  1. Record macros to automate repetitive tasks.

    q <register>: Start recording to a register.

  2. Do your commands.

    q: Stop recording. @<register>: Play the macro.

Advanced Editing

  1. Replace Mode

    Use R to enter Replace mode (overwrites text instead of inserting).

  2. Joining Lines

    J to join the current line with the next one.

  3. Indenting

    >> to indent the current line and << to dedent the current line.

Switching Between Evil and Emacs Modes

Evil mode has several states, including Normal, Insert, Visual, Replace, Emacs. C-z: Toggle between Normal mode and Emacs mode. You can use regular Emacs keybindings (like Ctrl+x combinations) while in Emacs state.

Dired Mode (Directory Navigation)

Emacs has a powerful directory mode (dired), and you can navigate it with Vim-like keys if Evil is enabled. dired: SPC f d (or M-x dired to open a directory). Use h, j, k, l to navigate, RET to open files/directories, d to delete, and C to copy.