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Configuring Stratmacs

Assigning variables

Use the setq Elisp function to assign variables.

(setq use-short-answers t) ;; this lets us use y/n instead of having to type yes/no.
(setq initial-major-mode 'org-mode) ;;make the scratch buffer open in Org mode by default (convenience)

Multiple setq statements can also be represented like this:

(setq use-short-answers t
initial-major-mode 'org-mode)

How to use Major and Minor modes

How to install new packages

Stratmacs comes with straight configured out of the box. New packages can be installed via use-package:

(use-package name_of_package
; :defer 3 ;; load this package after a delay of 3s
; :straight t ;; IF you want to use straight to manage this package (Straight grants access to GitHub repos)
:init (config that must be run before loading the package)
:config (package configuration))

We can now apply this knowledge and install new packages. As an example, let’s install the GPTel package from GitHub:

(use-package gptel
:straight t ;; you don't need to specify this if you're not ins
;; OPTIONAL configuration
gptel-model "neural-chat:latest"
gptel-backend (gptel-make-ollama "Ollama"
:host "localhost:11434"
:stream t
:models '("neural-chat:latest"))))